[center][color=lightpink][h1]Roxanne Hart[/h1][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Route 13 [b]Interacting with:[/b] [@Deos Morran] / Aiden; [@Sen] / Novis [b]GM:[/b] [@MechonRaptor][/center] [hr] Roxy smiled softly as Aiden seemed to feel a bit better after listening to her, which meant her mission was accomplished on that front. After all, the desserts were great, so it wasn't like the praise was undeserved. [color=lightpink]"I'm sure you will, Aiden,"[/color] she replied before digging into [i]another[/i] strudel. Roxy decided it would be her last one, seeing as strudels weren't the [i]healthiest[/i] of foods. Lucina and Aela seemed to be about done with their food as well, which meant they could get going again. And boy, was she eager to keep going; the Zamak Ruins were an archaeological wonder comparable to the Alph Ruins in Johto. Roxy was desperate to get a good look at them, maybe write down what she found noteworthy? It wasn't every day that you get to see them, after all! With her last strudel done, Roxy reached into her bag and pulled out a brush, before looking at her Rockruff. [color=lightpink]"Hey, Aela, mind if I get some of that dirt out of your fur?"[/color] The Rockruff jumped into Roxy's lap, putting another smile on her face. As Roxy began to gently brush the debris out of Aela's fur, Novis spoke up. His words were considerably more...harsh, than hers had been. She visibly winced, choosing to just focus on getting the dust out of Aela's tail. Lucina huffed a bit, admittedly jealous due to all the attention her new teammate was getting. [color=lightpink]"I'll get you too, Lucy, don't worry,"[/color] Roxy murmured to the Riolu as she continued brushing her Rockruff. She glanced up at Aiden as he spoke, once again choosing not to speak, as the sharp tone he used probably meant he didn't want to press the subject further. To be fair, Novis wasn't exactly too kind with what he said. Roxy hadn't realized he could be so brutally honest...she supposed it was good to know, at least. At that point, Aela was clean, so she patted the Rockruff's head and gently moved her to the side so Lucina could get her share of maintenance. Lucina happily climbed into her trainer's lap, eager to get the debris out of her fur. There was much less in Lucina's, seeing as she was on the winning side. So, Roxy went to work, dutifully getting the bits of rock and dirt out of her partner's fur. Aiden was somehow able to get everything cleaned up in record time, which made Roxy feel a bit bad for not helping him. She made a mental note to help him out the next time they sat down like this...after all, he'd made the meal for them. [color=lightpink]"Thanks, Aiden,"[/color] she remarked before finishing with her impromptu grooming session of her Pokemon. She gave Lucina a pet on the head before putting the brush back in her bag and tossing it over her shoulder. Novis spoke up shortly after, mentioning that they should probably hit the road again. [color=lightpink]"I'm all set to go! You guys ready?"[/color] she looked around at her friends, then at her Pokemon before jumping out of her seat. Everyone seemed prepared to get going, with Aela and Lucina jumping off the bench and standing on either side of their trainer. Roxy decided to leave them out of their Pokeballs, since they seemed to want to stay with her for the time being. She waited for her friends to grab their things, rocking back and forth on her heels as she did so.