[quote=Heap241] I am enjoying it very much! Once time catches up as well I'll have my character head to the estate. [/quote] Good to know, and that makes sense. I'd have sped up time for us a bit more, but we're still expecting a few more people to register. [quote=Aewin] Lucia is happy to wait at the airport for a while if it means that she's found the correct spot. I think I'll have a short post that has her ready and waiting at the meeting spot when it's closer to the meeting up time. [/quote] That makes sense. Just make sure that you post IC when the time reaches whenever she'd arrive there. Basically, I want to keep things chronological. I don't want someone else to post their arrival before you, and then you do a post in the IC stating she was already there waiting, because realistically that previous poster might've reacted to your presence there. So whoever posts being at the meeting point first is to be considered actually being the first to arrive there. That's essentially the point of my last update. [quote=Snagglepuss89] [i]Lucia arrives at the airport. Charges her phone. Stares at it and struggles over the decision to phone that totes hottie for the next eight hours.[/i] [/quote] Lol, given how Paula thought he was handsome, does this mean that we've got [i]another[/i] harem starting? [center][h1]~[/h1][/center] [@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] Various bits of work for the project are currently being done in the background as I organize my PC, and more status updates will come as those get sorted out more. I'll officially make a point that it'll probably be a little bit under two weeks before the real phase of the role-play commences -- give or take a bit depending on how long it takes registering the last few people I'm expecting to join. For now, I've decided to give you another little update regarding character portraits. Some of this was brought up on Discord, but I'm mentioning it here for everyone. I might've normally wanted everyone to include a portrait at the start of their posts, but earlier in the OOC I chose to give everyone freedom with regards to how they formatted their headers outside of the requirement of listing location and character name. Nevertheless, even if we [i]don't[/i] include character portraits as map icons on our map and choose to list people's locations in that section of the OOC differently (some discussion took place regarding this), there's still other reasons I wanted everyone to have a portrait. One of them was for aesthetic purposes (think of the portraits as being like what would come up if your opened the menu in a video game and looked at the party or character entries), another was due to a picture 'The Cast' will receive upon the official start of the role-play, and there's also a few 'gameplay mechanics' where having them is useful. With this in mind, I've decided to give you an example of what these character portraits might look like if we don't use the circle ones that Ailyn gave examples of earlier (which I think looked good and people should've commented more on them - they presumably didn't due to their being no notification in her post - but the portrait idea probably fits the role-play's aesthetic a lot more). I was thinking that portrait-style icons would fit the overall aesthetic of the role-play. Though not my only inspirations, the style of art used in was keeping in mind the styles of menu screen/portraits/et cetera used in games such as Shadow Hearts, Koudelka, and Shadow of Memories. I suppose ask me if you're curious about specifics regarding that, but I had other reasons for wanting this 'feel' as well. Anyway, I've decided to use Conrad as the basis for this example, but do keep in mind none of this is the final product and I'm looking for thoughts/opinions. Keep in mind that all the portraits will be relatively uniform if I have my way. Here goes: [hider=Konrad (Conrad) Richter - Portrait Examples][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/171788b8-bbf1-4ff0-8e20-24ff3f8783f6.png[/img][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b28abdf3-33cd-4e36-9acb-2c17ff844214.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60df1c8c-3eb4-4e86-a166-f693d4a0a0b9.png[/img][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/042a7566-aa24-45e6-a357-9aa16b07c504.png[/img][/hider]