-Oh yeah, definitely a good idea to make them stay on the ship at least for now since they ARE pretty terrifying ahaha they can always introduce them later on once they're a bit better acquainted if it becomes necessary XD -Ohh, good idea, yes! I hadn't thought of that, but good thinking batman! XD I shall work mention of it into my next post then! Which will be up for you by the time you're back tomorrow cuz I gotta hit the sack soon :P Also, I love Vol already, just gonna put that out there. He's great XD EDIT: post achieved! Excuse any typos in the beginning bits I wrote them right before crashing out last night hahaha Looking forward to meeting Bol's mom though, didn't want to go too far ahead to give you an opening to do that how you like so I kinda focused a lot on Ari's reactions XD figured the "oh my God do I REALLY sound like that?! O_o" was a good little thing to add cause it'd be much more obvious in a mostly Republic base lol