"So then what, should I then offer to take over her role as ruler of the Angels until she is ready? Would her people even agree to that?" Sephiroth asked. And even if he should, it would be a heavy load for him. Can a man rule two kingdoms? He knew T'vor would tell him that he could do it, if anyone. He knew he probably could, but it would surely be difficult, especially if paired with trying to teach the princess how to rule. He would likely need help. Perhaps Azurael would be able to assist him. She was an Angel herself, after all, was she not? She would know her people better than anyone. And he knew T'vor would always stand by him. It was possible. But he wanted Vulan's opinion. Besides, he wouldn't be able to do anything at all if the princess did not give him the authority to do so. And even if she did, there was no way to know what the Angels would think of it. He pinched the bridge of his nose with an exhausted sigh. So much stress over simple politics. It was aggravating. What should he do?