[color=9e0b0f][center][h2]Emmerich Jaeger[/h2][/center] [/color] "[color=a187be]You coming, or what?[/color]" he heard her say as she walked away. That woman's laugh was something that made him feel calm, it was soothing to both his mind and body. Shaking his head and regaining his composure, he started walking. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm... sorry for beink so tactless and direkt like zat Frau Avalon."[/color] he said, catching up to her. [color=9e0b0f]"I know I'm being razer indelikate, but believe me, all zat I said is truth. I don't fully understand, but I feel like I could tell you all my sekrets visout beink afraid. I've made many mistakes on my life... Many of zem exaktly bekause I did nosink, and just let the opportunity pass. I don't vant to lose this light zat found me in the middle of the bloodshed." [/color]he said. [color=9e0b0f]"I don't vant to let zis ray of hope fade avay in the dark clouds. Pardon my eagerness to convey my feelings, but I can assure you zat zey are all true."[/color] He said, trying to apologize himself. [color=9e0b0f]"Again, i'm sorry for beink like zat. Zis feeling is somesink new for me, and I don't know how to deal vis zem yet. Kould you give me anoser chance?"[/color] he asked. Emmerich was obviously ashamed as he looked down, letting an awkward silence in the air. It was very obvious that it was the first time he had those kind of feelings, for anyone. Loosing his composure like that was something that he never did. He couldn't control himself when he was near her, he was different, but in a good way. [color=9e0b0f]"Let's stop talkink about my shameful acts. Let's talk a little about you, shall vee? Why have a beautiful lady like you took the hunter's path? Not zat I don't like it... Your moves are very graceful and I can feel zee technique behind zem. I really vould love to teach you how to dance, I feel like you have zee perfekt body for it."[/color] he said looking to her body without realizing. The second he realized he was ogling her, he averted his gaze, looking down. [color=9e0b0f]"I... I vasn't looking at you like zat, I mean... I said bekause you have a very beautiful body... For dancink I mean." [/color]he said stumbling on his own words, letting out a laugh. [color=9e0b0f]"You see, dancink vas one of my hobbies before... well... before everythink happened. I came from a place vere big masquerade balls and ozer sophisticated dances are pretty common. Its truly a beautiful place! Libraries are everywhere, its the dream of any scholar."[/color] he said with his eyes shining. As they got close to the tavern, he opened the door, waiting for her. [color=9e0b0f]"Please, you first."[/color] he said, holding the door for her to pass. [color=9e0b0f]"Do you like drinkink wine? I heard zat zey have a very good wine here. We kould ask some for us. It will be good to take zis terrible taste of gnome blood out of out mouth."[/color] he said, with a laugh. [@WeepingLiberty] [hr] [color=0072bc][center][h2]Shai[/h2][/center][/color] [color=red]"I would... I uh... I would very much like your help."[/color] Shai was really glad that he understood what she was talking, even after his outburst of anger. She knew that its hard losing everything. She was already opening her mouth to talk, when his next phrase raised some questions on her mind that she should have done some time ago. [color=red]"But uh... Maybe we should find you some clothes first..."[/color] Looking down, she let out a surprised exclamation, almost dropping the blanket. turning away from him and holding the blankets really hard, she asked him. [color=0072bc]"W-where are my clothes? Why am I naked?" [/color]she asked, blushing heavily as she looked down. [color=0072bc][i]"Try to think about it! Surely there is a good reason. he probably took you here after you got unconscious, as he said, a weird woman named "Phoebe" came here trying to... kill me? Maybe my dress was burned by the fire... but even though..."[/i][/color] With her eyes wide open, she made herself a crucial question: Why was she laid naked on his bed? [color=0072bc]"I... I don't know what happened while I was unconscious but... We haven't..." [/color]she said, scared. [color=0072bc]"Done it, have we?" [/color]she asked. [color=0072bc]"I don't even know your name... We shouldn't... I-I mean, you are good looking, but even though..." [/color]she said, extremely nervous. Obviously panicking, Shai apparently completely forgot the fact that someone tried to kill her. [color=0072bc]"No no no no... What if I get a baby?! I mean... I'm a hybrid... I don't even know If its possible I..." [/color] "[color=f7976a]You know, I was worried that a zealot was going to burn the house down... I can see now that it was really you blushing at the sight of a pretty girl Lusius.[/color]" She turned, alarmed by the newcomer, only to see that it was the hunter who tried to save her back at Seren's Folly. She would be relieved, if only wasn't for the fact that it was another eye for her to be wary of. [color=0072bc]"I... Him..."[/color] she tried to talk, but failing miserably as she struggled to say anything meaningful. [@Deos Morran]