[centre][hr][color=Aqua][h2]Marcus Nickleson[/h2][/color] [sub][@13org][@ManoftheNorth][@Letter Bee][/sub][hr][/centre] [Color=Silver]Gavin's words were confident and wise, especially for his age. The beings that struck everyone's dreams must've filled him with a lot of power and wisdom, which both comforted and worried him all at the same time. He was prepared for this? In two weeks he'd seemed to have learnt so much that could potentially fill his own library, if he had the funds to make one and write every single book. He was prepared to conflict the troubles of Grey, and was prepared for...Other things. That was when he turned to Marcus, after indirectly protecting the woman who left via someone else's magic. A...[i]Watcher[/i]? What was that supposed to mean? If anything, why was he being given a watcher? He began to think. Deeply...He was being observed, looked upon, yet this cast of insanely diverse characters were to continue on this trip without the same treatment. It was worrying, even further. He imagined what was actually happening, what was being planned behind this closed door whilst he worked for Gavin. He didn't know the boy. He didn't know what he could do or anything about him, other than he was supposedly another Magi and that he had great knowledge on the subject at hand. Now being commanded to be watched from another one of his associates, it was almost threatening to his soul, as he began to visually look quite disturbed at the possibilities. Perhaps those they referenced hunting them were the ones who sent him. If that were the case, it'd be wise to question his morals, as well as these individuals'. Marcus felt like this could be a terrible downfall to everything his life had lived up towards. Betrayal on both sides...Stabbed in the back, but also in the front. His [i]Watcher[/i] approached him, being identified as Eric. He was a tall lad, much like himself, but with a slightly bulkier build than that of Marcus' regular one. It probably didn't help the fact that Marcus had lost his exercise routine after going under the light of interrogation and immense psychological quizzing. Not saying he was an amazingly strong guy to begin with, but he had lost motivation to continue once everything turned from Britain to Australia.[/color] [color=Gold][b]"Aye! A pleasure, Marcus. So, I will be your 'Watcher'? Well, as I see it, we should get to know each other a bit, maybe not immediately, if you don't much feel like speakin'. But, I am always here to chat. I just wanted to say it'll be nice to have a partner around."[/b][/color] [color=Silver]At first, Marcus didn't know what to say. He was nice, conflicting his thoughts of before, where intimidation was going to be his first guess. Yet, this could be a form of negotiation, before swiping in to eliminate himself. He knew the kind, it was something he'd seen Negotiators on field use to lure out criminal suspects before the arrest was made. But the world wasn't always like his career...Or ex-career...[/color] [color=Aqua][b]"Eric...Nice to meet you. I guess, I don't really have to introduce myself again, but for...extra information? If it helps sort of...Set my expectations a bit? Was a Police Officer, technically speaking. Not for long, because of the whole...Y'know...Shit. Kinda ruined the plans I had. Uhh...I was born in Scotland, raised with a Scottish Family here. And...Well...Yeah. I can save the interesting parts for later, but...You might need to bribe me for that."[/b][/color] [color=Silver]He spoke in a low and quiet tone, to start with, but gradually built up in confidence. After his last words came out, a small and friendly chuckle seeped from his lips and echoed between the two. It was nice, yet fearful, at the same time. What had he gotten himself into? More to the point...Was it worth doing this without the knowledge of his family, seeing as they were under the belief of him disappearing or being on some random mission? Everyone in the background sort of began to show off their powers through words or practice. The woman he spoke to earlier, Mitsuki, began to talk directly to him as he approached both her and Gavin once more. She must've picked up on his confusion, caution and vigilance quickly, which would make sense seeing as Marcus to not be subtle with his expressions. Her words seemed to be a lot less confusing. Now, Marcus was far from being unintelligent, but what she said was far more understandable than what Gavin had blurted out, without too much context or detail. She explained their cause, why they'd been summoned by Gavin today. To some extent, it was quite warming, at least knowing what the others believed what was going on. Maybe some of them were also in a similar position as himself...Maybe. Mitsuki's interactions with him ended on something different, something that didn't appear before amongst the group. A strong compliment, one that had a different tone and attitude to it. It was a shift, and definitely a warming one. Yet, Marcus couldn't help but react to himself, rather than openly. It was...Extremely nice, and actually quite welcoming, especially even if she offered to take over the unknown [i]Watcher[/i] role for what Marcus could potentially [i]Want[/i]. And in fairness, she was right. Marcus would probably prefer someone of her looks, if he could verbally return the compliment without being lost within his own mind, than a man who was quite large...Muscular and daunting to be around with. Yet, Marcus reacted only by grinning uncontrollably. His voice shied away for a moment as he stuttered to himself, looking around the room for a topic to distract himself with before he uncontrollably would blush. He wasn't very good at controlling himself at that point... He remembered the fact that many of the younger ones were eager to show-off their powers, especially the [i]Invisible[/i] girl who seemed to be visible in Marcus' mind quite frequently. They were all eager to prove that they might have some sort of use alongside everyone here, making them unique. Yet, Marcus didn't want to be so cocky with his own ones, and wanted to at least inform Gavin, Mitsuki and his [i]Watcher[/i] Eric what he was capable of by using a small variation of his ability.[/color] [color=Aqua][b]"U-Uhh...Yes, abilities! I should...Show you three at least something I can do...Before I am rendered useless...Which'll probably happen eventually. Uhh...First."[/b][/color] [color=Silver]In a short second, a smoke-copy of his position replaced his location as the thin smoke trail shot through Gavin, then Eric, then Mitsuki before he reappeared between the first two he spoke to. He couldn't help but smile with visual pride at what he did, it being one of the few times he'd shown it perfectly since the hours of being forced to train in an interrogation room. He chuckled, laughing to himself with glee as he did so, almost tempted to try it again before recomposing himself. Marcus still chuckled to himself, regardless of his restraint to try again. It felt good to actually do something small and unique, being one of the few good ideals to spring from this almost tragic transformation. Secondly, he raised a finger, and an arm, as if pointing upwards, before presenting it in said position. Within an instant, a shell of rock seemingly gulped his forearm whole, plating himself with the sturdy temporary armour before he disengaged it. Marcus was very proud at this point, but still humble. He looked between Gavin and Mitsuki, at least waiting for a roll-of-the-eye at their underwhelming expectations for his power... But his powers showed and marked defensive and reconnaissance based traits, something he was great at all around. It'd be better to use as a defensive strategy [b]With[/b] the tablet team, rather than the distraction team. Plus...If the ones chasing them were really the government, then he hoped to the world that Gavin would be kind enough to not force him to kill anyone he might know, or be contracted with.[/color] [color=Aqua][b]"Perhaps...I...Could accompany the Tablet finding one? Like...There are too many answers I need...A lot of closure that I want...Do you...think that I could tag along when it comes to splitting up? Like...I'm not really the one for combat, and...I guess I'd rather protect than fight."[/b][/color]