[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cSvfqoW.png[/img][/center][center][b]-> [@Shadeflare123] [@Deos Morran] <- GM: [@MechonRaptor][/b][/center][hr] [color=red]"Just statin' the truth, dude."[/color] Nov raised his hands in defense as the others decided that it was best to let such a catastrophic failure down gently. [color=red]"As Roxy said though, the pastries are the shi-- uhh, the bomb. Make some more later, will ya?"[/color] Nov shifted his attention his Pokemon again at Aiden's mention of them, though. [color=red]"It is kinda amazing how much they love this stuff, though. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a knock on your door from some food company later, since Nier can't get enough of it."[/color] At the mention of his name, the growlithe's tail started wagging again and he started looking around for food. With how much all the Pokemon ate, there was practically nothing left, so all Nier could do was stare longingly at the last few leftover pastries on the table with a whine. Nov smiled as he gave the dog a scratch on the head, but once they all decided to start getting ready to head out-- Aiden dealing with all the dishes, and Roxy cleaning up her Pokemon-- he set the dog down on the ground. Nier went off to go bother Zorex (they seemed to be getting along pretty decently), and as everyone else was dealing with their own things, Nov went back over to where his Drilbur was hanging out, and all that was left was the empty plate. He picked it up and handed it to Zorex, and after walked over to look behind the rock outcropping. Nov couldn't help but smile when he saw the Drilbur passed out in the shade after its meal, but they needed to get going, so he dug its Pokeball out and returned it. [color=red]"Yup, all ready here."[/color] Novis said as he walked over to both of his partners, hoisting his backpack onto his shoulders. As the team moved out onto the second part of Route 13, Nov couldn't help but notice how much sandier it was starting to get. Before long, they would be in the odd arid hotspot of Chromis, where Ground-types reigned supreme in the sandstorms. But first... they had to get through the Ruins. [center][b]| Rest Area -> Route 13 (Ruin Side) |[/b][/center]