Awww... he liked it. Atty: *gives wicked grin before picking up the first rock he sees and chucks it at Roland* Roland: hah fuck! *falls out of tree* Atty: *laughs* that was funnier than I anticipated. Clary: nice! Well poo on him then. Sour sport. *looks at all the glitter* you can never have enough glitter! Billie: *laughs* I should so have her do it. I really, really should. I'm tempted... I think I'm going to. *whispers* no, I'm definitely going to. Oh hell yes! It has been decided. Rhi: still, it is sweet. *kisses his cheek and blushes after she realizes it* you do weird things to me. *laughs* Axel: I grew out it! Serg: better have. I will twist you into human pretzel fully alive. Axel: I was 19! And stupid, I promise! I'll give you brownies anyway. Just have to ask. I like you. Of course. He is the doctor.