[quote=@MacabreFox] I beg to differ on the pain aspects for that. I've had several experiences where the pain-killing side marijuana have helped with menstrual pains, headaches, toothaches, muscle cramps, etc. Although, to be fair, I've never just tried to CBD. And I will concur on your experience with pain-killers as well, because on a surprise visit to the ER, I was given painkillers to help with some back pain, and just taking one a day gave me that feeling of euphoria. I did enjoy taking them, namely because of how relaxed they made me feel. Not to mention I would fall asleep within minutes after taking one. [/quote] I had a history of recreational use of opiates before the ankle surgery. Got clean and then relapsed once I got a hold of those meds. I'm glad I don't know any of my old friends or I'd probably still be doing them. Can't do marijuana anymore, or any other psychedelic drug, because I've had some weeeeeeird/bad experiences with those. Opiates and alcohol seem to be the only ones I can have without having panic attacks or weird freakouts triggering really down-low depressive episodes. Got to the point where I was taking enough acetaminophen popping the pills where I had to do cold-water extractions or else. Didn't realize I was starting to get real fucked until I started to actually have cravings, as well as withdrawals. [quote=@Dervish] [@Leidenschaft] Oh, I meant less as a painkiller and more of just generally managing symptoms on the day-to-day. But yeah, for me, I couldn't wait to get off of the opioids when I was on them. They didn't really have any lingering after effects, so I guess the nurses doses me accordingly. [/quote] Good. Opiate withdrawals suck, dawg. As much as I "haha lol fun stuff" them, it's some dangerous stuff. That said, lol haha fun stuff.