[quote=@The Darklight Project] Definitely should be able to have the post up tonight, at the rate I'm going. I'm tired right now though, so the chainsaw will be turned on tomorrow. I've been playing a ridiculous amount of Gears of War lately, going through the entire series with a friend, so don't think I won't use one. [/quote] Well, I'm free of the chainsawing, for now at least. I hope my summary is okay, couldn't think of how to phrase actual events and what not, so I just focused more on what happened in the two month break. Speaking of, Drosil is now-missing an arm and an eye, as well as having half of his face either constantly under-wraps or looking like he was spliced with a ghoul from Fallout. Shadar looks about the same, though covered in specialized bandages and splints to keep his shell from coming apart(not sure if I should have Shadar shed to heal these armor cracks at one point, or just have to wait for them to heal naturally), but at least he's going to be out and about more often.