"Well I do want to grant myself an extended lifespan while I am as young as possible." Ahnasha answered, though she paused to give a moment of thought to how to explain why that was the case. "This magic can both stall aging and reverse its effects, yes, but not without limitation. If I am too old when I start the process, then I won't be able to make myself as comparatively young, if that makes sense. Technically, life extension does not have an upper limit as far as how long one can extend the bounds of their life, but it does start effecting you eventually. My body will still start showing signs of age after enough centuries have passed. Keep myself alive long enough, and insanity might take hold. Of course, if I can start this process soon, then that won't happen until after your natural lifespan ends. And after you pass on, well, there will be no reason for me to continue extending my life." Ahnasha slowly pulled her arms around Fendros. "Basically, you don't have to worry about that. We just need to get the souls I need. If it makes sense to try to capture a grand soul, I'll do it, but that shouldn't stop me from getting the easier black souls. Just promise me you're not going to put yourself in danger over all of this, alright? No secret Falmer hunts in the middle of the night."