[color=92278f] Vanessa Strongwood[/color] [hider=Vanessa Human] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d1/49/e4/d149e4f87d481c0a148bcdf716be5168.jpg [/img][/hider] [hider=Vanessa Wolf] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/f793/f/2016/043/8/6/encounter_in_the_night_by_lhuin-d9qq8j2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [color=92278f]Basic Information[/color] [color=92278f]| Name |[/color] Vanessa Valerie Strongwood [color=92278f]| Date of Birth |[/color] 14th of May 1992 [color=92278f]| Gender |[/color] Female [color=92278f]| Sexuality  |[/color] Straight / Bi-curious [color=92278f]| Occupation |[/color] No work yet. She is a full time mom (and wolf) She dreams about opening up something for herself but doesn't know for sure what [color=92278f]| In-Depth Appearance |[/color] Vanessa has a tattoo of a wolf paw tribal with a red line around the border on her left wrist (it isn't very big and shows that she used to be in a pack) and the name of her son on her right collarbone. Next to that she has a scar of a wolf paw on her left shoulder, something that was given to her by the father of her child. [color=92278f]| Scent |[/color] As a wolf Vanessa smells like pine trees after rain. [hr] [color=92278f] Who Am I? [/color] [color=92278f]| Personality |[/color] ♦[color=39b54a] Protective [/color]♦ [color=ed1c24] Pretty directly [/color] ♦ [color=39b54a] Friendly [/color] ♦ [color=ed1c24] On her own [/color] ♦ Vanessa is scarred for life, literally, by her journey around the world (see background for more info). And even though she is a pretty easy young women to hang out with, she also is direct and can be very on her own. She doesn't wanna feel like a burden. Protective over her loved ones and friendly to those she likes. [color=92278f]| Likes & Dislikes |[/color] ✔ Strolling around with her baby boy Walks trough the forest Running, doesn't matter in wolf or human form A good chat with friends Relaxing in her house Dogs ✘ Rude humans People that think they know best Cold feet Pink! Cats [color=92278f]| Hobbies |[/color] What is free time?? Vanessa kinda always says when someone asks. As a full time mom her Hobby now is playing with her little boy. She used to be very creative, this you can see in her house. [color=92278f]| History |[/color] Vanessa isn't from Red Lake yet she is a familiar face to a lot of people. Her grand parents, mothers side, used to live in the town and Vanessa loved to visit during any school break that she had. This is how she became close friends with Riley's mom, who used to be her baby sitter and how Vanessa got a close, sisterly bond with Riley. After high school Vanessa went on a journey around the states first and later also went for South America. Her last journey was trough Canada where she 'dissappeared' for almost two years (she was 20 when she dissappeared) For a long time no one heard anything from her until the day she returned to Red Lake. She wanted peace and easiness around her.. Not just for her but also for the little boy she had given birth too shortly after she returned to Red Lake. [color=92278f]| Family |[/color] Mother Daisy Strongwood  (Comes from Red Lake, now lives in Florida) Father Sander Strongwood (Lives with his wife in Florida) Half brother Dave Strongwood (Now lives in Canada after he found love there when he was searching for his sister) Son Blake Sander Strongwood (Lives with his mother in Red lake) Grandmother Valerie Castbury(Died when Vanessa was 21) Grandfather Ralph Castbury (Died when Vanessa was 18) [color=92278f]| Strengths |[/color] 1. Blake 2. Smart 3. Survival [color=???]| Weaknesses |[/color] 1. Blake 2. Puppies 3. Hugs [hr] [color=92278f]The Other[/color] [color=92278f]| Theme Song |[/color] [url= https://youtu.be/NzMQPT4jqho]Morning has broken – Cat Stevens[/url] ” Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven Like the first dewfall on the first grass Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Sprung in completeness where his feet pass” [color=92278f]| Extra Information |[/color] Something with I've red the rules?? 0:)