[center][color=dimgray][h1]Tamashī[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][center] [color=fff200]Assignment[/color]: [color=dimgray]Infiltration : Orphanage meta children kidnapping and experimentation ring[/color] Interacting with [@king Tai][@FantasyChic][@Vashonn][@Wick][/center][hr] When the time came to begin the mission Jonathan was ready. He was the first in the area so he waited for Darric, R0se, and Willard to arrive in the vicinity before he made his move. While he waited he watched the movement patterns of anyone he could see and did his best to identify as many of the individuals around as he could. Once the three arrived at the orphanage Jonathan made his way towards the building. First he switched to Level 3 then he attempted to see if there were any open or unlocked windows relatively close to the front of the building. If he couldn't find any he would just use a small device to cut a hole in the glass to unlock the window. Once inside Jonathan made sure to hide any evidence of his entry. He traveled towards the entrance and used the shadows to lay in wait for his allies.