Buck was glad that after all that, they managed to get away relatively easily. He sympathized with the Assistant Director and the headache that would be covering that up. Still, he gave a polite 'Goodbye' and left quickly. He was still surprised that nobody lost their head for this, except maybe Coventry. Honestly he could see how the Asst. Director's instructions could've be confusing, but he wasn't going to speak up without being asked. He would have to remember to get in contact with Mithias in case he needed to talk to him. He walked down the hall, speaking to himself as he made a list of what he needed to do before tomorrow evening. [color=linen]"Alright, need to grab some silver-tipped and UV rounds for my gun, get my nice suit dry cleaned, be wound up to make sure that I'm ready for when something goes wrong, and check in Dr. Treadaway."[/color] He was looking forward to this little soiree. It was a chance to be fancy, and to be around others who were 'dead'. Still, the news of a drug that got the attention of the Syndicate was interesting. It wasn't his place to speculate on the connection between Madame Red and the new drug, but he still felt he should read up on the basics first. At least grab some material to read while he wound up. As he got to the stairway, he was already figuring out where he could get such data.