The canonical Sekalyns vary from very pale fair-skinned (Northeasterners) to almost literally black-skinned (Highlanders), with Lower, Middle and Upper Sekalyns being somewhere between (from lightest to darkest). Lower/Upper/Middle are sometimes considered to be the "true" Sekalyns (by others but themselves), whereas the Northeasterners have been their own thing for a while and possibly have mingled somewhat with the other peoples living along the northeastern coast (in turn, there are multiple other countries between them and the rest of the Sekalynic lands ... they're also the only ones with one unified country as opposed to the several of any other branch), whereas the Highland Sekalyns are largely the result of the sourthernmost Upper Sekalyns integrating most of another race/ethnicity (the Tenihurants) into their ranks. The main feature of Sekalyns-by-blood is body and facial structure - the same tall and narrow build Aemoten (pretty much a "pure" Lower Sekalyn) has, narrow face, thin lips, high cheekbones, pointed chin, deep-set, narrow eyes, typically green/brown/yellow/mixed, with impure green being perhaps the most common, straight, brown hair. Lower/Upper/Middle tend to go from lightest to darkest, largest to smallest, in this order. (The Northeasterners tend to be broader in build, slightly taller than Lower Sekalyns on average, and possess more varied in hair/eye color, whereas the Highland Sekalyns are conversely smaller than any branch of the "main" body of Sekalyns, with softer and more round facial features, and mostly have dark brown eyes and very dark brown or black hair.) More than blood or appearance, Sekalyns themselves tend to classify people into Sekalyns and non-Sekalyns by culture ... so a random person who adopted the attire and exact mannerisms, philosophy, principles and morals could be treated as such (even if they were, say, a nightwalker or deigan), whereas a descendant of (former) Sekalyns who looks ethnic in all physical respects but did not behave the part would be considered a stranger, and [i]tolerated[/i] with the Sekalyns' typical distant and calculated hospitality, any distinct deviation from the typical Sekalynic ways being pointed out (followed by reinforcement, if the hint goes unheeded). Northeasterners tend to be the least tolerant, and tend to have the lowest expectations of aliens being capable of maintaining civility and following the several layers of right path and way they have established (from the Warriors' Right to Ienaphyoraem to Common Order ... I couldn't find a halfway adequate translation for the middle one). But you're always allowed to leave if you do not feel like trying to learn and adhere to their ways, unless you go full criminal... I think I've mentioned before that Sekalynic men and women are considered equal (and the amount of yourself you are expected to keep covered doesn't differ between them ... not that they had any rules about it, or were particularly conservative; you mostly just might get some odd looks if you wear more/less than expected in the scenario or go hide in a bush to change). Female warriors and leaders are common, though the specifically warriors tend to be somewhat less numerous than males - the criteria by which they are elevated to the status are the exact same regardless of sex, too. And most women will draw back for the latter half, should they get pregnant... Arranged marriages don't exist. Traditional marriages don't really exist, either, though somewhat modified concepts of inter-people bonds of lasting power do exist (both relatively platonic and not really so), and especially during wartime it's very common to see arrangements which contain more than one woman and one man and their children ... the origin of forming these odd cluster-families had to do with the extremely high mortality during some eras, and so it was that people tried to sort their children and such out before both parents went to war or the settlement was attacked and potentially perished. Similar concept to godparents, but often with the people having closer relationships between one another. Remind you though, Sekalyns in this iteration [i]are[/i] halfway into Balazth/Malith as per our agreement. (And before that, they were not supposed to be southern until the IC (my own content excluded) unanimously decided Aemoten was. The canonical Sekalyns are pretty much "all over the center of the eastern half of the continent, and also quite far northeast, for some reason". Canonical Northeasteners are one of the three very northernmost peoples on the continent, and the other two don't have countries in the typical sense ... so they actually have the very northemost country of the continent, the northernmost parts of which never fully thaw during summers, and are bordered by a northern gulf.) ...Perhaps just showing you a map would be more reasonable, should you be interested in where what is on the planet I keep importing things from. Uhh. And do you lot by any chance feel like naming a few islands? That question goes for everyone. I just about may have a literal few thousand in excess on that map, still unnamed. I shall modify and place the names accordingly as I see fit.