[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location:[/color]The barracks.[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With:[/color]Vamon.[/center] Vamon, as Spencer later discovered he was called, had only arrived in town not too long ago, much like herself. He seemed surprised that Spencer was in her twenties, which was rewarded by a fascinating giggle that may just make him chuckle also, sounding as young as she looked. She continued along their path at Vamon's request, though it really wasn't hard to navigate. The barracks were quite easy to spot, especially with vision as great as Spencer's, so it really was no problem. [color=crimson]"Don't worry, everyone says I look young for my age. It actually somewhat runs in the family, so yeah!"[/color] Another lie, yes, but this one helped back up her prior lie. She didn't make a plan of lying often, only when it was required. He spoke of visiting Garden before coming to Shezze, and Ira smiled as she recalled taking the route herself to get to Shezze. [color=crimson]"I took that route, too! Though I picked up some stuff from Garden before coming here. I heard of the frozen week and rushed right over to help!"[/color] Her head cocked to one side as he spoke of his birthplace of Belizarius, Spencer acquiring a quizzical look to her features. [color=crimson]"You're from Belizar?"[/color] She asked thoughtfully, before she put on a smile. [color=crimson]"Wow! My mother came from there, too! She said it was a very beautiful place, well, more-so than Zalu, anyways, ehehe... That's where I'm from, by the way: Zalu. And as for interesting destinations..."[/color] Ira had to pause to think over her response a little. She couldn't let too much information slip, or there could be problems later down the road. [color=crimson]"Well, I've been to all towns, as well as Zalu, but nowhere else, really. I'm interested in visiting Astaras to learn some alchemy down the line, though for now I'll stick to selling random tidbits, odds and ends."[/color] ... Of course, Spencer often had trouble sticking to her plans at the worst of times... [color=crimson]"O-oh, uh, s-sorry, I think I talked too much, eheee..."[/color] With a squeak of a laugh, Spencer bowed her head in embarrassment, before looking right back up again. [color=crimson]"Oh, lookie! The barracks!"[/color] The young woman extended a hand and pointed to the man standing out front of the well-lit building nearest the abyss. [color=crimson]"You don't need me to hold your hand going in there, do you?"[/color] Teased Ira with a bright-eyed smile, something a little out-of-character for her, not that Vamon would know that.