A brief announcement. As some of you may be aware, I have been planning a particularly arduous task referred to as The Final Hazard as something of an Additional Challenge for posters who have won previous iterations of the Twelve Labours. As it has been remarked numerous times by multiple parties, this is somewhat exclusionary - which I am basically ok with since that is part of the point, but, In further consideration of the new iteration of The Twelve Labours, I have decided that [i]any new winners of a TTL Series Two will be able to enter the Final Hazard if it is still going.[/i] Additionally, [i]there will be a few rules allowing for complete newcomers to enter The Final Hazard even if they have never participated in TTL.[/i] I am not going to elaborate on that point just yet, since you will be learning those rules in greater detail soon™. Expect both the First Labour of Series Two as well as the Final Hazard to premier shortly after RPGC#13 concludes.