[@Pudding] When you put it like that, It seems more likely that Krisa will actually be first if Aleecia has those super senses like blind people do, and knows when to go away from danger than towards it. Call me crazy but I believe Mary will be the first killer, she will go stir crazy within the building in just a couple of hours from being away from her computer, fans, cell phone, and tech. She will kill Krista because of a horrible pun, she'll lure her out acting as if she wants to be friends with her but then will lure her to the dump and kill her. How she does it is a mystery to me. But a mastermind would probably want to see Kara alive to the end and see her just go mentally comatose after all of the trauma. But part of me right now thinks that Kara is the new Seiko because of that post and that feeling she was having in her heart probably wasn't hope it could be something more serious, you should go to the doctor and get that...Oh, wait.