[hider=Yllendthyr --- WIP][center][h1][b]THE HEAVENLY DOMINION OF YLLENDTHYR[/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LfrRvyF.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][b]GEOGRAPHY[/b][/h2][hider=BIG WHITE ON THE LEFT][img]http://i.imgur.com/Js6PJoc.jpg[/img][/hider] Yllendthyr is an island nation isolated from the rest of the continent. It's surrounded by greenery and lush forests only broken up with the appearance of docks an cities. The capital and residence of the Queen of Yllendthyr is in Yllendor, a tower-city with its tall shine and beauty can be seen from all around the country. [h2][b]GOVERNMENT[/b][/h2] Yllendthyr is a monarchy lead by its hereditary divine rulers. The Queen (Ymerodres) fulfills the role of both supreme ruler and head priestess of their religion, the Arvandor. In effect though most of the political power is handled by the Chymanfa, the house of lords that covers the council of the most prestigious and influential noble families of Yllendthyr. As in a typical feudalist system they have large degree of autonomy and only answer to the Queen for their deeds. Yet since these families are also the most devout beleivers of Arvandor they generally have unwavering loyalty to the Queen as such even though she doesn't own any land the Queen is able to retain her power. Commoners in Yllendthyr also treated differently. There are no serf and post peasants and other workers are allowed free movement within the country. Instead the only ones allowed to own fields, mines and similar possessions are nobles and commoners only have the right to rent these from them. They own the land. Citizens in towns also form a special layer of society with their own unique rights but as a recent phenomenon things only progress slowly. Due to the longevity of elves Yllendthyr has a strangely conservative view on politics and actually has difficulties to adapt or outright change. [h2][b]CULTURE[/b][/h2] The majority of Yllendthyr's population are elves. They are slender, tall and agile creatures most readily identified by their pointed ears. They are agile, dexterous and have incredible sense of balance. They can feel movement as if they're in possession of natural gyroscopes.Their senses are also sharpened and match that of wild animals. As beings closer to nature they're more resilient to diseases and toxins, albeit they also happen to be extremely vulnerable to certain other threats. Elvish diet is different from humans as the former are fully omnivorous. Elves are famous for their beauty and longevity, can physically appear young and live for hundreds of years. More interestingly at the end of their life cycle elves undergo a strange transformation, growing rapidly plant-like in appearance over the months until fully transforming into a tree. As such trees have a rather unique status in elvish communities and you might also think of them as their ancestors or gravestones. Elves bear great respect for the nature and especially trees. They only cut trees of specific type and only when they absolutely need it. The wanton deforestation of other civilizations utterly baffles them. Their slim builds leave less room for elves to develop powerful physique and when trained to its peak a human warrior is always physically superior to an elf. In addition their long lives have lengthy complications, too. Elfish reproductive cycle is consierably slower than a human's and even then the chance of miscarriage is awfully high. Childbirth is a great treasure in elven communities especially since it takes several years from pregnancy to birth. During this time the mother is vulnerable which led to the elves developing their matriarchial structures. Women are to be treasured and protected. Any dangerous duty is generally taken by males. That being said elvish philosophy is about the freedom of all their kin. If a female aspires to become a warrior she might do it, even if it's a rare event due to cultural reasons. Lastly a few words about the non-elfish population of Yllendthyr. All elves are free and they welcome visitors kindly. But any non-elf living in their country is basically considered their slave. They are treated as lesser beings and traded like an object between each other. That being said anything a slave does is the responsibility of its owner thus non-elves are still treated with relative care. [h2][b]MILITARY[/b][/h2] TBA [h2][b]HISTORY[/b][/h2] TBA [h2][b]RELATIONS[/b][/h2] Yllendthyr is an island country living in relative isolation. While trading with the neighboring seafaring races is relatively common Yllendthyr generally shies away from geopolitics and its people try to keep their contact with the outside to the minimum. [to be continued...] [h2][b]NOTABLE PEOPLE[/b][/h2] I am gonna include both my heroes and other named characters at the same place. My military section may have summaries on heroes and their abilities but not much else. So if you want saucy stories or just have an extra 5-10 minutes to waste, you might read this in the future (when I get to finish this NS). [/hider] [@Darkspleen]Semi-finished with my NS. How does it look?