[h2]Reinhardt Wilhelm[/h2] As his charge failed to connect with anything, Reinhardt came to a slow halt and turned back to get into the fighting. Except, for some reason, it was foggy. Now, the weather wasn't prone to changing that fast without any reason and this wasn't something that he knew Vader to be able to do... and that meant that it was the work of their ally. Why did he think this would help? It impaired their visibility just as much as their foe's and the clearest idea of direction that the huge German was retaining came from the occasional plink as one of D.Va's shots failed to penetrate his armour. Fortunately, his arms were strong, his hammer was long, and what came up had to come down. Unless Vader had a desire to be even more lost than anyone else, that should mean he came down somewhere close to where he went up... ... and now there was a rocket hammer being swung through that area. [@VitaVitaAR] [@Lmpkio] [@thewizardguy] [hr] [h2]Yukine Chris[/h2] After having tried--and failed--to keep up with the cultists' trail through the twisting back alleys and running out of breath, Chris admitted defeat in chasing the flamethrower maniacs around (at least for now, there was no way that they wouldn't end up making an obvious scene at some point). This meant that she could get round to something that had been nagging at her mind since Hibiki had shown up: "If I'm here, and you're here, where's that other idiot?" [hr] [color=gold][h2]Gilgamesh[/h2][/color] Once again, a redhead with ideas above their station had approached the King with an offer of a partnership. Once again, it was a request doomed to be denied. There had only ever been one that was worthy to be his partner and even [i]they[/i] hadn't dared lay claim to any mantle of kingship. "Presumptuous" was putting it lightly, let alone to lay claim to those subjects that were rightfully his so brazenly. Arms folded, Magnus received his reply: [color=gold]"Denied. What right does a ruler with no subjects have to claim equality with [i]me[/i]?"[/color] [@TheFake][@Wraithblade6][@PKMNB0Y]