[center][h1][Color=DF0101]Haakon J. Elvsgaard[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/b7/cf/cdb7cf9754449c877b71d1294663eaa9.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=DF0101]Location:[/color]Grand Continetal Hotel [/center][hr] [Color=DF0101]"...Å gud..."[/color] Haakon had been about to answer Josephine's clear question with something along the lines of [i]except the obvious, something of value she'd have[/i]. Yes, such things that Josephine insinuated were true enough, though Haakon would have suggested less intimate motives for this case. He kept his mout shut, however, as he too heard the glass break from down in an alley. It was dark there, and not the most well-smelling place Haakon had been conduction journalism, but he followed Josephine's lead. His eyes were fixed on their suspect, now sporting a servant's outfit and heading into the hotel again from the back. He would have followed him straight to the door to peak at him, but something caught his attention more; Josephine stifling a yelp just a few feet in front of him. [Color=DF0101]"Poor man, of all places to die..."[/color] Josephine was quite right, the man was dead. Shards of glass, a broken bottle and the almost blue face of the dead man lying there in the alley. The excitement Haakon had felt just a few moments earlier, flushed away alongside the colour of his skin, now paler than before. Haakon placed a hand on Josephine's shoulder. This wasn't just a story. This was murder. [Color=DF0101]"No time for that, one of us has to follow him now or else risk losing him. Who knows who else he'll kill to get here. No, one of us has to follow him now, and another warn the authorities. And, sorry to say this Jo, but not letting you get close to that mad-man..."[/color] Haakon said quickly to her, looking her sternly into her eyes. Who knew what else the man was able and ready to do? With his other hand, he fumbled through his satchel, still hanging over his shoulder before pulling out something. [Color=DF0101]"...unless you can defend yourself. You know how to use this, Jo?"[/color] Haakon held a revolver in hand, his eyes darting from it to Josephine, to the door and the body, and back to her. [Color=DF0101]"Either I go after him, or we both do. We can't afford to lose him."[/color]