[right][sup]Mentions: [@Gareth][@Kelewen][@DeadlyPhoenix][/sup][/right] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O6ZmckE.png?1[/img] [hr] Ceridwen had been walking somewhat towards the front of the group as they went towards Alpton. The Paladin, Cleric and one of the Rangers had started their own little conversation about the place, which Ceridwen was happily listening to. As much as she had little patience for those who followed any god other than the glorious true one in her patron, she had to admire Paladins at least a little. Unlike Clerics they tended to garner their divine power from the sheer force of their own will. It wasn't until the Cleric, who'd introduced himself as Sal asked a question about the River Kots that she decided to chip in for herself. "Oh the River Kots is for the most part completely harmless. That is providing that you're capable of surviving a minor bandit attack or two. And in some patches the Sylv Fish can swarm, proving quite deadly to someone taking a rather unfortunate swim," she recited from heart. She was actually surprisingly proficient in her knowledge of this worlds nature, from the common to the surprisingly obscure. But of course her knowledge wasn't perfect, "Oh, although it is possible that I'm thinking of the Kot Carp found in the more southern river Sylva. The two always get messed around in my head," she stopped walking for a moment to think, sighing and shaking her head as she drew a blank, "oh, since we're adventuring together for the foreseeable future, perhaps I should introduce myself. Ceridwen Phrys, Warlock. Some of my closest friends call me Ceri, an informality which I'm not extending to you in case you're wondering,". A small curtsy followed her invitation before she resumed her methodical walk, her staff used as a walking stick.