I know, right?! I'm going to wait until tomorrow to post because I'll need all the power in my arsenal to make this turning point a worthwhile read. *cracks knuckles* Thanks for the set up by the way! Saves me some trouble, although I'll still be writing in how nervous of a wreck Yerbol is ALONG with some conversations that Yerbol sneaks in with his parents a couple of hours before Aria awoke(also, good point mentioning that they would sleep for that long. Seriously, when was the last time they got undisturbed rest?) Here in a minute, I'm going to post some character likenesses for the parents, seeing as I feel like I picked the two that best represent them in my mind anyway. Edit: Posted character likenesses! Edit edit: So you're good with me just going right into his feelings, then? Or do you want a lead up post? Don't mind either way. Need to know so I can include specific details for either scenario.