[@Rekaigan] Standing from his lonesome chair the Beast walked forwards, arms behind its back, as it looked at the soul before him. Nothing really that special by his standards but still something interesting that to his eye caught his attention. All around the Spirit Walker could feel the presence of his soul the feeling much stronger and heavy set than before in the forest. This was his domain after all, no need to hide any ounce of himself not here in his own home. Still it didn’t stop him from holding back, which at this point the Spirit Walker could sense. “You're a Guest,” He said as he got closer to her face looking down at her slightly, “act like it.” With that said he turned his back to the Elf and started saying something under his breath. As he was speaking the room around them shifted, becoming darker, colder, the feeling of life slowly waning from the room. It was like the world was shifting, which wasn’t far from the truth, rather they were shifting from one plane to another. Within the span of time it took for the Warlock to cast his spell to completion the world had changed, no longer were they in the semi-warm halls of a castle instead they were now in the empty throne room of a long abandoned king. Furnishings were in tatters, pictures old and faded, armor that once stood as testaments to knights fallen had themselves rusted with the passing of time. “Welcome to my home. I am it’s heir, but if you must have a name. Its Nikitís, at least that's all you need to know. And I have an offer for you, one you might very much like.” Turning to the door out of the main hall of the ghastly place the man pushed open the entrance to show a castle and land completely overtaken by twilight. The sky was eternal night, with lighting cracking with no pattern. The land itself was all but barren and hollow, as if starved of life. Yet all around little lights moved back and forth, some just standing still while others kept moving forwards, as if trying to leave this place. It was all for not as no matter how hard they tried, no one could leave the lands of the dead, not until the Reaper came for them. “This is the Void of the Damned, or just the void as you would call it. Here is where most Spirit Walkers would pay anything to come, to learn its secrets. Come and look.” He waved to the main court yard below them. Down below humanoid looking creatures, dressed like him, both male and Female stood on a knee with heads down. The were frozen in time, as this place was removed from it. They didn’t age, need food nor drink here like anything else as time never moved, only those who had a soul or a soul itself could move freely of the Void. Looking around the castle the Spirit Walker could see the body of a Guardian, sleeping around the backside of the castle like a Mountain. “I will make you this offer. Access to my records of your kind and magic, to be your teacher. I ask but one thing in return.” The man turned to look at her with his head, hands behind his back. “You must bring me the essence of the soul, Humanity as one would call it. And in return I give you access to archives and one body from below to call your own to do as you please. Take the Armor and leave the rest, inhabit the body I care not. They are just Soldiers to me.” With that said he remained quiet, there was more clearly that needed to be said and done but the Beast said all he was going to for now. It was the Spirit Walkers choice now.