[@KoL] Yup. Miyu definitely IS a child compared to Juno, any way you slice it. That's why she made a crack about Juno's age. :P But SCIENCE!..... ~~ Also, I thought I had Miyu say this: [color=a2d39c]"Even if I die for realzies, you guys could literally give my stuff to any other angel with no useful traits, let them train with my stuff for a month, and you'd have all my vaunted value to the angelic cause back. Probably more so, because they statistically wouldn't have my penchant for talking back, cowardice, or betrayal."[/color] Miyu drained the half-finished and half-spilled glass, that at this point barely had anything in it, before having Daimyo toss her a small bottle, and Miyu started opening that. [color=a2d39c]"That Angelic Cause that is so important of 'Continue everlasting war because the Nexus demands it in which victory isn't actually the goal'. Whee, I'm so glad to have been born with such a glorious and barring perma-death pit otherwise inescapable destiny!"[/color] That didn't clue Juno in to the fact that Miyu might be operating under some misunderstandings or struggling with self-worth issues? And this was said to Iona: [color=a2d39c]"Let me get this straight. We're not allowed to leave without permission, implying we're imprisoned or else not generally free. Final victory is also theoretically and not just practically impossible, because this world was created for endless war, and such a victory would end that."[/color] Am I a lot less good well ok fine at communicating clearly than I thought?