[color=ed1c24]"Time to answer some questions I suppose?"[/color] Stride shook free and stared at the group in front of him. He didn't blame them for wondering what was going on, as it was kind of confusing at the time. The only real thing he could do right now was explain what was going on. [color=ed1c24]"Ok, so as Khri'zhatt witnessed, I was brutally decapitated by the orc that's with us in this ragtag group. While I thought I was a surefire goner, I woke up in some sort of purgatory, where I met the actual Death itself and her servant, Tim. There she told me that she had a lot on me for accomplishing this goal, which is retrieving a magical book that may already be pursued by some do-gooders. This must be where you guys met those mages who took my body here to be resurrected allowing me to continue this mission... er... get it started. Anyway, now that I'm here, we can continue this crazed quest for the damnable book."[/color] This would've been rather serious, had Stride's head not rolled off at the end of the explanation and landed on the ground with a thud, quickly followed by [color=ed1c24]"Ow fuck!"[/color]. It was an interesting sight to behold, a headless half-elf stammering around looking for it's head, followed by it being screwed back on in the same manner of fashion and the elf looking back onto the party with a smirk. [color=ed1c24]"Who's ready to go fetch a book and get paid?"[/color]