[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] Keisuke nodded in silent agreement with Atalanta's suggestion, regardless of whether or not he was well-equipped to handle the conditions there. Granted, a suit was never anything particularly good to wear for any non-formal occasion, but he [i]was[/i] a professional. It might be a bit more annoying for him to deal with the heat of the Middle East, but if the alternative was freezing half to death in the north, he'd happily take this option instead. "Then Babylonia it is. Let us be off," he said, making his way off to the side as everyone else left their seats in turn. [hr] With all of those matters handled, Zelretch turned to Kirei and gave the priest a quick nod before placing his hand on the device in the center of the room, causing it to flare to life. The massive array of magic circled soon expanded above the heads of everyone present before a single large glowing ball of light emerged from the center of it. That one ball soon turned into two, and each landed in front of the Masters and Servants who were standing by. The spheres soon grew larger and turned oblong as they expanded into portals to the past, their respective locations able to be seen faintly past the boundary. "Best of luck to you," Zelretch said, handing a small emblem to both Keisuke and Seyrun. "This item will allow us to communicate with you and listen in on the situation and interpret any languages that you might not speak into something you can. Do not lose it, under any circumstances." [b]"Rejoice, all of you, for you shall be the heralds of our future. I await your safe return."[/b] Kirei followed, smiling as he extended his arms outward. [hr][h2][center]Babylonia, 1531 B.C.E.- Collapse[/center][/h2] As the Masters entered the area, they would be met with the sight of a city preparing for war. Soldiers were milling about to and fro, and the general populace seemed to be on edge. Behind the Masters, there stool a large ziggurat in all of its glory, making it fully known that they had left their prior location and that the portals had worked. The many soldiers on standby outside of the ziggurat seemed dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of so many anachronistic people appearing out of thin air, and a few even raised their spears in caution as they glared at the newcomers. A few of the people around stood by and stared in a mix of shock an awe as the group finished exiting, which was not necessarily a good sign. "Halt! Who goes there?!" one of the soldiers finally asked, his eyes glaring at the group with suspicion. "If you do not answer, we will--" Before the soldier could continue, though, the sound of a large explosion resonated from within the ziggurat, followed by an abnormally large beam of light that seemed to extend into the sky. Everyone immediately turned their attention there, and a few of the soldiers began to debate on whether or not to handle the people here or to check out what happened inside. Keisuke sighed and massaged his forehead as the entire incident unfolded in front of him. The spontaneity of it all felt absurd, but if there was anything to be done, it was to check out the place. "With no other leads to go on, whatever happened inside may well be our best bet," he said to the others, slowly walking forward to the steps leading to the entrance. "The soldiers might stand in our way, but I don't believe they should be much of an issue if they do." [hr][h2][center]Scandinavia, 800 C.E.- A Labor Lost[/center][/h2] Contrary to the well-lit city that the other group had found themselves walking into, this set of Masters ended up moving straight into the middle of the area in the dead of night. The world around them may as well have been pitch-black, in fact, if not for the absurd quantity of blue flames that seemed to pervade the entire area. The bodies of men, dying or dead, lay all around them, but in the distance the sole sound of metal meeting metal was resonating past the flames. Upon moving closer, those present would soon find the sounds to be originating from a pair of people--one [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1692125]wielding a heart-shaped lance[/url], and the other [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1560825]with a glowing mark on his chest.[/url] The latter seemed to be getting pushed back with each blow, being forced completely on the defensive, while the former stood out if only because it seemed as if the armor on her right arm and leg had been painted as black as the night--a strange contrast to the light blue that was the rest of the set. The man's glance moved towards the group for a fleeting moment before refocusing on the fight, a hint of worry on his face as a few of the corpses around them began to twitch. With a shout, he temporarily forced the woman back through sheer strength before shouting. "Travelers or whatever you are, be careful! Those corpses have been tainted by--!" Before he could complete his sentence, the woman continued her assault once more, her vigor seemingly renewed as the man continued to defend. [hr] [@KoL][@Lonewolf685][@Beloss][@Flamelord][@GreenGoat][@Nanashi Ninanai][@ADamnFiddle]