[quote=@kingkonrad] [@Mega Birb] Well, points for racial and ethnic diversity. We've got two Koreans, an illegal immigrant of a Norwegian, a Dutchman, an Indian and a set of Americans, if I've counted right? Even crime these days is going globalised to get it's best people :P It's like the Syndicate is totally running a affirmative action programme (lol political much) :P [/quote] Technically, Christopher is Russian or Egyptian, papers-wise. It's pretty diverse, lmao. [quote=@Stekkmen] well, i was gonna make a black guy CS but i guess i clicked a wrong button cause it got deleted and damn if it took me three years to navigate that CS, i probably messed it up anyways [/quote] If you need help with the CS you can hit one of us admins up on the discord server here: https://discord.gg/pwqWwRE [@QueenOfTheBee][@Fabricant451][@kingkonrad] These are all accepted. [@Wade Wilson] minime u need to fix the date on the latest crime; the knights in jail were all caught for the same thing recently. kayla's sheet has it right.