[hider=Witch Queen Lucrecia] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1935/sample_94ff5d99ec885820c2e7cec01de59b01b62fe7ed.jpg?2017654[/img] [List] [*][b]Name:[/b] Lucrecia of the Black Woods [*][b]Age:[/b] Unknown, but she is way older than she looks, possibly centuries. [*][b]Role&Kingdom:[/b](Former)Mother Queen of Hiertania [*][b]Skill and/or Weapon:[/b] Lucrecia is a master of dark arts, the witchcraft. For that very reason, it is very difficult to gauge her actual age, as the occult has methods in which one may preserve, alter and extend one's youth. For the most part, Lucrecia keeps to the subtle parts of the arcane arts, such as using divination with cards and crystal balls, conjuring protective and luck charms, and overall helping to heal people with her knowledge of herbalism. However, they are called dark arts for a reason. The Witch Queen knows of forbidden rituals to summon forbidden spirits beyond the veil of reality, speak with the departed, as well as curses and spells that can rip out the flesh out of one's own bones, and even cause severe misfortune or disgrace. She can even conjure the elements of nature to flail her opponents with. [*][b]Personality:[/b] Lucrecia is severely stunted emotionally. Centuries of seclusion and dabbling in the dark arts have made her unable to express emotions easily or read them effectively. Despite this very reason, she is a rather gentle soul who only wishes to understand the truths and pathways of the arcane within this reality and she would rather live in peace and seclusion than openly wreak havok and mischief. She is also rather sparse in her use of the arcane, as she understands the dark arts are a double edged weapon and one shouldn't alter the laws of nature readily. Lucrecia has the wisdom of several lifetimes, and she has seen kings and wars come by, which is one of the reasons of her emotional detachment, but rather fair in her judgement. She however, can't handle crowds too much, and the politics of the court give her quite the headache. Despite this, she loved her husband and children with passion, even if she couldn't show it properly. As an hermit, she does not mind doing her own house chores, which is a point of contention with servants sometimes. [*][b]Biography:[/b] Lucrecia's early life as well as a lot of things are shrouded in mystery. She doesn't even recall all of the details herself. She does remember that she was born to another witch in a rather remote place called the Black Wood, and she learned the black arts from her. For the vast majority of time, she kept herself learning and experimenting her arts in seclusion, barring the occasional visit of a local who was in dire need of help, an adventurous soul, and sometimes even the routinary angry mob. Very rarely, someone coaxed her to perform a long service or join their lot for adventures or services. But no one was like the then Prince Andromalius of Hiertania. Decades ago, an adventurous and somewhat foolish Crown Prince made his way into Lucrecia's hut in the Black Wood. He was a dashing young comely man, and Lucrecia noted that many women would have been swooned by his appearance alone. Not Lucrecia though. She only regarded him as a potential employer with corteous indifference. However, Lucrecia herself was at loss at words when the Prince himself requested for her magic to make him a worthy ruler of the kingdom, as he felt he was not up to the task. After some prodding, the old witch managed to yank out the real reason for such an outlandish request. Andromalious was a kind man, with self esteem problems. He was in constant fear of not being up to the task and disappointing the many vassals he had come to appreciate and love. Lucrecia herself then understood what she had to say. A kind nudge, some words of wisdom were what he needed. He comforted the panicked prince by saying that as long as he kept the welfare of his vassals at heart, rather than personal glory and fame, nobody would find grave fault on a ruler so humble he would beg aid from a witch, the last of her kind, for the good of the kingdom. And then the fool asked for her hand in marriage. It was the first time Lucrecia ever blushed and showed a vivid expression in her face. Words failed to form and her heart skipped several beats. Many had tried before, but only this man had managed to steal the heart of the old witch. Lucrecia accepted, and she aided Andromalius to the best of her ability during his reign, as well as bearing him his children. She even managed to turn the tide of the battle on several occassions against Lutaria, by using her considerable magical power to call forth lightning storms and tear armies asunder with fire and lightning, all for the sake of saving his beloved from a losing battle. However, not everything was well. Many in the court secretly resented Lucrecia, and they openly defied her. It didn't help that she wasn't the most talkative nor social person, choosing to remain a silent presence right next to the King. She didn't have many sympathies among Lutaria and the other kingdoms, either, having been witnesses of her fury. Resent turned into fear and hatred quickly, and she kept in secret that she had been targetted by several court retainers from her husband and children. When King Andromalius passed away, the situation quickly deteriorated, and Lucrecia left the court in haste, after exchanging parting words with her children. Decades passed, and news reached Lucrecia that one of her sons, the King, had passed away, while the other one, the current Regent, had written her a letter requesting for help. She quenched the sorrow in her heart, and decided to come out of hiding once more, this time to aid his son, instead of his husband, to keep the kingdom in peace. [*][b]Appearance:[/b]Lucrecia doesn't look one day older than 30, despite her actual age being much more. She is a rather slim and average woman, with raven hair as black as the night, and dull brown eyes which seem lost in the distance. She prefers to dress in very simple worn clothes and cloaks, but out of deference towards the Regent, she has taken a more regal clothing once more. She rarely makes facial expressions or inflections when she talks. She is seldom seen without her staff. [*][b]Extra:[/b] [/list] [/hider] Whew, that was a chunk.