[sub]interacting with:[@redbaron1234][/sub] The moment he was dismissed, agent Harrison quickly stepped out of the office. The feelings in the room had been uncomfortable to say the least, and he knew that the longer he stayed in there the less easily he would be able to get to sleep. He was grateful that Hadley had taken a bit of the blame, and he understood why he was so upset, and that wasn't just because Harrison was a medium. No, had been a fiasco, and to top it all off, there would no doubt be mounds of paper work to take care of because of it. Besides, the man cared about his agents- well, probably. Even still, Harrison couldn't help but feel sorry for agent Coventry. She was fairly new to the team, if memory served him right, and though he didn't know her well, he sympathized with the her being called out like that. Still, somebody had to get the brunt of the blame. Harrison mulled over the new mission they had been given as he walked towards the building's exit. He had never been a fan of parties. Too many people all close together. Being around many auras messed with his senses. Still, getting information would certainly be far more easy than what they had just gone up against. The biggest challenge would probably be finding his tux -or more accurately, renting one. Harrison didn't have the paycheck to waste money on items that he hardly used. Even his apartment was a bit much for him, and it was a far cry from the pleasant farmhouse he had once lived in. Still, it was home now, and more than anything, he just wanted to go to bed. Harrison noticed Buck approaching the stairwell, and though Harrison had never been a fan of small talk, he still felt as if he needed to say something to his fellow agent. After all, that's what "normal" people would do. "Hey, Buck, that was quite the mission, wasn't it?" he said with a smile. "tomorrow's should probably be a bit more easygoing though, well, if you like parties, that is."