“I hope Telling Mondatta about this was the right thing to do.” There was a lot going on in the break room, but Shona was able to keep up with most of it. It was a shame that everyone wasn't more supportive of Mondatta's speech. At least there were still positive voices like Kara and Cyrus. Maybe even Ice would be more supportive if he could see everyone trying to help him out. The knight looked at the bottle that had been left in her care. Bottle was probably the wrong word, it was almost as big as a keg. Its contents would last quite a while... usually. A shame Mary didn't want to stick around. With an exception to Davis and Cyrus, Shona hadn't had a chance to speak in length with anyone. Calvin had shown some interest in drinking with her, but looked like he was tied up with Cyrus at the moment. Shona decided the best thing to do was to take a table and set up a few glasses. Surely someone, if not calvin, would join her for breakfast soon. [hr] Davis's room was filled with gilded tools of conquest. His room didn't have a single decoration that Davis himself hadn't brought with him. The infinite Conquest was very serious about his title, and liked to be surrounded by his treasures. Each one was a purchase made after one of his many victories. He purchased a golden crossbow after he won a national archery competition in Spain. He purchased himself a shield after he won a jungle survival contest. Davis even purchased a pair of golden boots to remind himself of a beauty competition. The feat was more impressive in his eyes because it was intended for female participants. The only thing in his room that wasn't coated in gold (or made to look like gold) was a very ordinary looking chest. It had a metal frame with wooden walls, and was locked tight. He hadn't put his tie back on, and had actually removed his shirt and undershirt in an attempt to get dressed. But he got caught up staring at the ugly chest. A knock at the door, followed by Mondatta's voice. Or at least the voice of that armor. “Great. Guess you can't even count on an infinite knight to keep her mouth shut.” Davis stood up and opened the door. “Come on, get in.” Davis waited for the monk to enter before closing the door. “First, I'd like to say that I'm only entertaining this meeting because I know how stubborn you monks are. Secondly...” Davis scratched the hair on his chest. It was thick and unkempt. “...Did you ever find it strange how you were always encouraged to boo the bad guy during live performances?” Davis folded his arms. “ Before the calamity, I think I was nine, my father took me to see an air show. It was a good show. The acting was pretty bad, but they flew around in real planes. They battled by throwing rolls of toilet paper at each other. The concept was amusing, and for kids.” Davis adjusted his footing. “A trick when dealing with kids is to make them be loud, which makes them quiet later. That's why a lot of shows like this encourage energetic responses during certain parts of the show. For this air show, we were asked to clap for the hero and boo the villain.” Davis chuckled. “I mean sure, the villain wanted to kidnap a dame and force her to marry him, but behind all that we have two people paid to do an air show. Just one is met with praise and another scorn. Does that sound fair to you?” Davis didn't wait for a response. His smile faded and he continued on. “That actually doesn't have anything to do with the current situation. I just wanted to let you know that I too am filled with wisdom that I can impart at any time." Davis fret his brow. "Now what do I have to do to get you to piss off already?”