[center][color=CF045A][h1]Th0rn_R0se[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][center] [color=fff200]Assignment[/color]: [color=00aeef]Undercover - Infiltrate the Orphanage [/color] Interacting with [@king Tai], [@Wick], [@alexfangtalon] and [@Vashonn] [/center][hr] R0se stepped out in her disguise. She looked very similar to Willard, but had noticeable differences that show they had parents at one point in time. She went with some battered looking clothing that looked as if it had been lived in for a week or so. Despite her young appearance, she spoke the same [color=CF045A]"We're good here. Let's get this done as soon as possible. I'll change my voice when we get closer to the door."[/color] She made it a fact she held on to Willard's hand, something an older sister venturing with her brother into an unknown situation would do. She was kind of nervous. Not so much about what she could do, she trusted her skills, but there were unknown variables at play. She couldn't be sure Willard wouldn't panic or that they could be caught. She had enough juice to last a bit and, if needed, her gear was safe and she could access it if she really needed to, but she still didn't know fully what to prepare for. Either way, no backing out now. She followed Darric as they went towards the Orphanage.