[@PKMNB0Y][@TheFake][@Raineh Daze] [center][h2] - Daemon Magnus -[/h2][/center] [center]- Zone 5+6 -[/center] Magnus, was for a moment speechless. He actually tilted his great, horned head, and blinked his one red eye under a brow that was furrowed in frank disbelief at the unexpected level of small mindedness he had just encountered. Then, inwardly, he groaned, so tired of dealing with the same stupidity that riddled the materium. Banishing himself back into Tzeentch's service was starting to have its appeal... if, that's where his soul-stuff would go when he died. Nonetheless, he would give this whole run at material reality thing a sincere shot. Magnus sighed heavily, trying in vain to put things in proper perspective for his physical-minded friend. "A single, mortal being, ruling a single population, on a single planet, in a single galaxy for some single, meaningless flicker of time hardly compares to me, King. This impertinent plane of reality knows next to nothing of the great truths that lie beyond. A lordship, a mere claim to status, is nothing compared to the true power granted by knowledge and discipline." At the same time that Magnus was vocally admonishing Gilgamesh, he also began another conversation psychically, reaching out to Soulcatcher's mind with his own with utter ease. Only she would be able to sense with clarity what Magnus was, to feel the magnitude of power that he contained. She realized that he was sheer magic incarnate, soul-stuff and willpower embodied in physical form. He had once been a prince, risen to father and to general, then to demigod. What Magnus was had been molded upon perfection itself, down to the genetic level. He was tens of thousands of years ancient, yet vivacious with untarnished youthful intrigue. And yet, the red being standing before her felt caged somehow, limited and wounded by the process that had manifested him here on this world. He spoke simultaneously into her mind, "You, in you I sense great magic, great potential, and great loyalty. What sense does it make to bind yourself to a fool with no vision? He has no care for you, no ability to understand your true worth. I know what that feels like." The red king carried on pointedly in response to Gilgamesh's base character. "If your feeble mind ever begins to wrap around that concept, then you may come to call for me, Magnus, at the college of sorcery in Phoria. Until then, best of luck to you in finding your way back to whatever world you came from. The rest of us will be making the most of this miraculous opportunity to combine our knowledge and power in productive academic collusion. My invitation will remain open, for now. I bid you fairwell, most golden one." The old Emperor also had a propensity for gold, a similarity Magnus found deploringly irksome as he began to leave.