I am definitely still interested. Power Rangers is the one thing from my childhood I still proudly claim to enjoy. I'm a 20 year old geek for Power Rangers. I have multiple times come up with different ranger teams in my head just for fun. I actually started doing one about a week ago using various characters I have used on this site. I have an overactive imagination so I usually have multiple worlds to daydream about the events and occurrences going on within them. Usually tends to be Power Rangers, zombies, superhero, or whatever the last tv show I watched was. Even do it with anime some. Also, glad you recognize the Little Busters! image. It's my favorite anime that unfortunately not many people know about. Also, yeah the continuity for PR has gone wishy washy in recent years. That's why I came up with my own. Have actually seen a large majority of episodes from nearly all of the PR shows(excluding Overdrive and Mystic due to the fact I don't like them) yet have only finished maybe three. Also, just felt like asking what everyone's favorite PR show was/is? Mine is a tie between Lightspeed, RPM, SPD, Lost Galaxy, and Time Force. Haven't seen any of the Super Sentai shows but have been wanting to. This may get me to watch one of them.