[center][b]Charles' Determination[/b][/center] Charles would look towards Gavin when he spoke and would nod some and sigh "I will state I will not accept unless I'm in the group for finding the tablets" he would say. "you will need one of my abilities for inside purgatory." he states. "I can control the Dead, Zombies and Skeletons are the main things I can control currently" he states "I can speak to the dead, manipulate bones in various ways, and finally see spirits" he states out, mainly to let gavin know his abilities not caring about the others anymore. "This includes the living spirits along with the dead" he says. "One can tell a lot about another's spirit, it does not lie unlike the person. It is their true personality" Charles would state out. "This Necromantieon will hold much for me in terms of knowledge, possibly allow me to gain more abilities, maybe even allow me to enter and exit purgatory at will" he says rubbing his chin, this part was more to himself than others but he didn't talk softly at all. "O ya and my cantrips... The more dead around me, the stronger my minions are" he states "So more minions, stronger the others are. Or even if it's just dead bodies still they will get stronger. I can also detect dead bodies in a short radius around me, and finally I can naturally detect anyone using the same magic as me in a certain radius" he states outright. Charles would be certain that he could learn much from this trip, he is a pure underworld magic user, so he plans to explore every aspect that's related to underworld magic in hopes he could gain more powers from it.