[quote=@Vashonn] [@IceHeart] I'll be posting tomorrow, but I'd like to know - Would you just like me to hop right into the beginning of the dinner, when everyone is sitting down? Also, how much control can I have over some NPC interaction? [/quote] I'll probably make a quick post to set up the dinner so there won't be any trouble there. As for NPC interaction, I'm more than happy for players to use members of the Confederacy and Empire to spruce up their posts and interact with. The general framework is pretty much there for them to be used. As for Castle Grimm residents, they can be used as well to a lesser extent such as servants, soldiers and the occasional higher up. If the plot permits it I may take control of those NPCs; however, I'll try to make event and story based NPCs rather obvious in how I control them. So if using Castle Grimm residents just keep in mind that most consider you curiosities and obviously outsiders, which should help you plan scenes with them when needed. [@AnaSilan Sunja][@Emu][@Blight Bug]