[center][h3][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h3][/center] [@Sho Minazuki][@I-Am-X] [hr] As they made their way through the University Talonite half-heartedly nodded as York told his various stories about the place. Professors passing by greeted York yet also gave him consistent warnings about not getting into trouble. As York began getting into more stories about librarians and Pokemon battles Talonite smirked as he put the puzzle pieces together. York was certainly no thug, but he was a bit of a troublemaker for sure. Definitely chose a good traveling buddy. Suddenly a door opened in front of them and a literal tower of books collapsed upon him and Talonite went sprawling onto the floor. [Color=gray][i]'Is this what Chromis holds for me? I didn't get this injured when I worked for Team Skull!'[/i][/color] He thought to himself as pushed the books off himself and got up. He got prepared to scold the person who did this when he noticed who it was. [Color=gray]"Hey wait you're the nurse from the lab. How did you get here before us? We left before you."[/color] York introduced Talonite and himself, with a quick grunt of [color=gray]"Don't call me Tal."[/color], Talonite begrudgingly set to picking up books as well.