With her mind ever on Trevor, when she turned a corner, paying little attention to the familiar route to the park, Izzy shouted at the creature that seemed to appear from nowhere in the light of the flashlight. In a panic, she simultaneously tried to stop her bicycle, and swerve to the side to avoid the beast. The force of the stop and awkwardness of the incomplete turn sent both her and the bike tumbling to the thin strip of grass beside the sidewalk with a pained groan. Heart pounding in her chest, Izzy scrambled to her feet, maneuvering the bike so the flashlight shone on the creature. Her eyes locked with the beast’s golden gaze. No, not a beast, exactly: Trevor. No matter how most of his appearance had changed, there was no mistaking his face, a face she had been concentrating on just before her near collision. For a precious moment, her lungs and heart forgot how to work. “[i]Trevor?[/i]” she breathed. As quickly as she dared, she put down the kickstand without looking from her friend so the light remained on his unnaturally white form. She slowly raised her hands just in front of her, palms facing him, in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. “Trevor. It’s me. Izzy.” She glanced to the lupine ears just visible in his hair. “It’s okay.” She took a small, cautious step toward him, unsure whether he was more animal or human. “Are... are you alright?” It felt like a stupid question the moment it left her mouth, but it was the first thing that would come out.