Once again Fiddlesticks was surprised to find where he ended up. He found himself standing atop the diner table, holding his massive wrench like a samurai sword. In the Chüdan-no-kamae position to be precise. Fiddlesticks then looked down to see the big, ugly, menacing guy passed out in the diner floor. [color=LimeGreen]"Oh snap, I really did it this time didn't I."[/color] Fiddlesticks said to himself. His arms and legs were shaking from the adrenaline rush from what just occurred. Fiddlesticks decided to sit back down on his diner seat in order to try to calm himself a little. Fiddlesticks rested his chin upon his palm whilst resting the elbow of the same arm on the diner table. He withdrew into himself in order to figure out what set off his uncharacteristically violent reaction. Fiddlesticks was never usually prone to fits of violence. In fact, many people he has known have said that Fiddlesticks was downright meek. It seemed that it was only when people antagonised him in a way that brought back memories of being bullied as a small child did he ever get violent. Stealing his food and being menacing was one of those things. Fiddlesticks truly believed that he wasn't his past anymore, that he could leave it all behind and start anew, but alas, it wasn't so. Not yet anyway. Fiddlesticks still had some issues that needed to be resolved. One of which was getting back at his school bullies. He really hoped that the crew for the quest for flavour could forgive him, and not see him as a violent psycho. Only time would tell. Fiddlesticks felt that he really needed to explain himself to the rest of the crew. Later, when things calmed down, he decided. "Good work there crew, although perhaps a warning before resorting to violence next time Fiddlesticks? Anyhow, Vonny, did you have any opinion on our next destination?” said the swarm of bees. Fiddlesticks was relieved to find that the captain wasn't mad about the incident. It was a real load off his mind. Vanessa had organised for some doggy bags for their food. That was considerate of her, though Fiddlesticks was confident that he would be able to finish the remainder of his ribs and the sweet potato fries before they arrived. She mentioned something about leaving before law enforcement arrived. Fiddlesticks want sure if they would even care that much around those parts, though he did see her point. This wouldn't have been his first run in with the law. He sincerely didn't want another. Fiddlesticks swore to himself then and there that he would act more mature and adult like in the future. He worried he wouldn't be able to live up to that oath though, for he still had problems that prompted his uncontrollable outbursts. Perhaps the crew of the quest for flavour would help him track down his childhood bullies so he could exact revenge. If they did that, then Fiddlesticks was confident that he would feel better in general. His random violent outbursts would be a thing of the past then, maybe. But he doubted that the quest for flavour took personal requests on behalf of the crew members. He decided to bring his concerns before the captain later. For now, he decided to rack his brain for possible insights the crew could use for their next mission.