[color=ed1c24][h1]Catherine Lillasteen, the assassin [/h1][/color] [@Nikki Moonlight][@Overlord24] Catherine was nearing her room, with only four more hallways to go. She turned another corner and found a maid scrubbing the floor, making soap bubbles appear all around her. The girl was no doubt younger then Catherine, but she was beautiful. She had two long braids, and honey milk eyes that could kill a man. The girl was so beautiful that Catherine wanted to serve her head off right then and there. Catherine sneered and quickly turned to not lash out at the girl, but ended up face to face with a man. The man was wearing a pitch black suit that had many pockets. His hair was ink-black, his eyes had a red tent to them, and paper pale skin. He definitely looked like he could kill someone, but he sure was stupid walking in like that. If anyone was going to kill someone, at least make your self look weak. He then asked where King Cyrus was which almost made her laugh out loud. So he thinks he can kill the king? He would be damned for trying, Catherine thought as she smiled sweety to the stranger. [color=ed1c24] "Oh, I'm sorry sir you will have to wait. King Cyrus is busy right now and is not to be deserved."[/color]