Cody Greyfeather. I'll have to find a pic for him again. I lost the best one long ago, found another that looked like ... uhm ... inviting naughty responses. Problem is I don't really know how to embed images here well. I have been using copy and paste so long ... and don't have a link for either image. Not sure if you saw the Interest check for this RP. But I described one way one might awaken. Here it is: [i]Imagine if one day you awoke to see the world differently. Whenever you got close to people they would either give a soft glow or seem shrouded in shadow. Weird. Then it got really weird. While this usually only happened when people got close, you saw some guy across the street watched you with eyes that gave a brilliant glow. As people walked past him - apparently oblivious of his presence - they glowed as they did when they got close to you. Your concentration was disrupted by some guy asking you if you could spare some change. When you looked back the weird guy was gone. But you saw him again later again as you made your way onto the subway. But you lost him in the crowd. After you got off the subway you went to make your way home. Only on the way you spotted something that made your stomach churn - a man and a woman with dark soulless eyes. They looked back and smirked. The teenager with them made a gesture of a gun with his hand, as if blowing you away, then blowing on his finger to cool it off, then laughing. You didn't know it, but you were a newly awakened angel. At least that's the only word you have for it. Your own eyes glow when you look in the mirror. No halo, no wings. But you have seen a pattern to the glows and shadows. Bad people = shadows.[/i]