It didn't take long for the deer to be skinned with both Laina and Ivan working on it. Once it was done, Ivan wiped his knife off with a cloth and placed it back into a holster on his waist. [color=ed1c24]"Ok... Now we just gotta get this thing cooking and we'll be good for the night."[/color] He said giving a friendly smile towards Laina. He took a quick look around the camp, it seemed like that orc really was a friend, Tiberius and Kaite seemed to know him well at least. But what confused Ivan was the fact that the orc had been looking for the group to deliver a message, when he got time he would have to give this message a look. His eyes settled on Zenovia, she had been quiet for good while now, it was a bit worrying, though if she was just resting from that fight with that... Thing, it shouldn't be that worrisome, but still. [color=ed1c24]"Hope she's okay... No telling if that creature had done something to her or not..."[/color] Ivan muttered under his breath.