The black knight did not respond. They remained tall, imposing, and quiet, positioning themselves in a manner that made it difficult to see into the carriage. They did not respond, no matter what was asked of them, and at this point Fanilly was growing more and more concerned about that matter. The black knight was absolutely the one they were looking for, or so she could assume. It wasn't as if huge black knights were a particularly common sight, was it? What was especially coincidental was their location, as if they had been in pursuit of the shard as well and the bandit attack had delayed them. Though why they had appeared in addition to the mercenaries, if these assumptions were true, was a far more confusing matter. In the end, Fanilly couldn't be certain what was going on, but she could be certain [i]something[/i] was going on. And so, sword sheathed at her side for now, Fanilly approached the carriage and the tall knight. The knight looked down at her for only a moment in acknowledgement before refusing to budge. "As Captain of the Iron Roses, I must request that you answer the questions we ask of you," the short blonde girl began, doing her best to sound authoritative. "We mean you no harm, but there is something strange going on and I think we would all appreciate some answers." The knight continued to be quite unresponsive, simply regarding all those before them with the same cold-feeling stare. Although it was impossible to tell exactly what emotion was behind it, to be truthful, when the black knight's face was totally obscured by a face-concealing helmet. Fanilly thought she saw something move behind them, in the carriage, and took a step forward. As if in response to someone becoming too close, the knight swiftly lifted their Zweihander from their shoulder and brought the bloodstained blade to bare. Fanilly's hand flew to her own sword. "We mean you no harm," Fanilly restated, narrowing her blue eyes, "But if you start a fight we will defeat you, there's no question of it." Fanilly wasn't used to attempting to be threatening in order to defuse a situation that was rapidly spiraling into a rather worrying territory, but she was going to try her hardest. There was no need to fight now. "Haelstadt, stand down," said a girlish voice from inside the carriage. The speaker huffed. "You're being a fool and it's frustrating just sitting here and watching. Step aside and let me talk to them." For a few moments, the black knight remained, as if in hesitation, before finally stepping aside and turning to face the step leading down from the carriage door. The person who emerged from the carriage was fairly recognizable to anyone who had any real knowledge of her family. Black hair, pale purple eyes, light and delicate skin... she looked to be no older then thirteen, perhaps slightly younger. [url=]Veileena Cal folded her arms and let out another huff as she did[/url]. "It's not as if I'm not thankful for your help, but did you have to start antagonizing my knight? Haelstadt's not likely to answer your questions." Her hands transferred from being folded across her chest to resting on her hips, tilting her head to one side and making her pigtails bob. She seemed to be trying her best not to look at any of the bodies. "What are your questions, exactly? And why are you asking these questions? Do the victims of a bandit attack really seem like people who would be in the mood to answer questions?" She seemed rather irritable. In fairness, being attacked by bandits is likely to make emotions run high.