[i]There is an old term, so old that the angry coot who scooted you off his lawn when you were a kid will sneer at you saying it. Worn out and world wary as the oldest of men but it's innards keep on ticking because the everyone ass it keeps on kicking. It is[i] "What comes around, goes around"[/i] surprisingly enough for a saying that literally states getting about the average person don't bite the bullet on adventure or rapid events. There isn't really a lot "coming around" or even leaving when you have a 9 to 5 from the desk or to the door to door. Like anyone, no matter your career or your level of content to your current life, sparks of something more come in and out of your mind. Sucks that you're about to get up close and personal with that saying, because you're about to experience it more on the nose than Rudolph after a bar brawl. Via strange fates, mystic misdirection, crazy convenience and a DM with more sperm than brain cells you've managed to come across an event that will give you great powers, and great fucking trouble. Have fun![/i] [u][b]What is this?[/b][/u] It's a role playing game where your character will be built by their choices. They have up to 4 choices but each one comes with a negative too. A curse if you will. The idea is that rather making you're character skills and powers from the ground up. You will instead be having a "normal" guy. Normal relative to their origins that is. Will benefit from their choices of goods and powers...and curses. [u][b]Why do this?[/b][/u] Because its fun RP'ing crazy shit with complications that people don't necessarily foresee. [u][b]What's the Adventurer?[/b][/u] Simply. A series of characters ranging from 1 to 5 will assemble into the world from their origins. Each character has been called by forces, fate, mishap or their own crazy artifacts to this world. Here, they will go on adventures. Some will be of their own making...but while they are not robbing banks or fighting each other the story is straight. A wizard called Maglais has threaded the universe together and with it space time is going crazy. you, the few individuals to cross this threshold and gaining your chosen powers/item from them multiverse will have to stop him otherwise all the known universes to exist will start to condense into a single ball as gravity becomes infinite. Simple stuff. Have fun, stop the bad guy. Fuck bitches, fight douches. Commit some precarious acts and do a bunch of shit you'd want to do if it have a higher chance of killing you than cyanide absinthe you in real life or didn't exist. [b] [u]The platform: [/u][/b] This will take place in a form of RL chat. Maybe roll20. Maybe something as simple as a faster paced messenger system. There will be rolling but the system is mindlessly simple. But what I want is this. Classical stats: [b]Strength. Endurance. Intelligence. Will. Charisma. Dexterity.[/b] You all know what these do. The stats will work the same as DnD. After you get a certain point of stats they give + points to your rolls or - points if they are too low. Simple as. This won't be roll heavy. You won't roll for normal activities and you're combat will mostly be narrative driven. but roll checks will come at natural moments EG: lifting a crate (strength roll) Deciphering an ancient book (int roll) Dodging a knife throw (dex roll) Simple stuff. If rolls make you nervous. They are just a way to both limit our characters but surprise us too. Crazy shit, both positive and bad can happen in rolls so see them has chance to test your limits and comfort zone. [u][b]The Curses and the Gifts:[/b][/u] The full list of gifts you can shop from will be put up with the game but the curses will be revealed after the choice. Each gift and curse is linked. Here are some basics ideas: [hider] Gift: [u][b]Bag of Eye Balls[/b][/u] [i]A large netting made out of human hair from brown to ginger and blond holds a constant amount of human eye balls. Their stems are still sticky to the touch and you swear you can see their iris's expand and detract as things come into vision. A single note always appears at the bottom of the bag, simply saying "An eye for an eye"[/i] Effect: The bag holds 30 eye balls in total. The peering, ownerless organs are sticky at the back of their stems and can be planted on anything from yourself to walls and items. When stuck the eye balls gain telepathic vision with yours, allowing you to see from them. If for some reason an eye ball is destroyed, lost, captured and so on it will disappear and reappear whole in your bag after 24 hours. Draw Back: These eye balls are in constant pain from the hair net that they are doomed to fall in. If you don't clean them up, take care of them and help relieve them of the hell of constant irritation. You shall feel their pain too when you stick them down. Curse: [u][b]Stupid Fucking Clown[/b][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs4sOAqriaY[/youtube] [i]God you hate this asshole but no matter what you do you can never seem to get rid of him for good. Stab him, shoot him, strangle him. You even set him on fire and threw him out of a 11 story building once and the bastard still comes back. Thankfully he doesn't always appear. The clown waits for you to mess up, from stumbling over to telling a bad lie to even hurting yourself he suddenly walks out of the corner of the room you never saw and starts laughing at you in that smug tone. The worst part is, when he laughs at you. Everyone else does too! Friend, foe, strangers. Even the comatose will rise out of their slumber to join in pointing and laughing at you for ten minutes straight. He does it to your jokes too. [/i] [/hider] [u][b]Character Creation:[/b][/u] Characters are all expected to be low power. This means you can be say, a solder, a cop, an office worker. But you can't have exceptional equipment for the world you are in. If you have future armor, it has to be low grade and not immune to gun fire-although resistant is fine- you can be anything you damn well please. You'll receive some starting stats. No one will begin as savant like in 1 skill. Even if that skill like reading or talking to people is more mundane than gun skills. You will get chances to increase skills with items or experiences. Post limit will be 2 paragraphs. End Note: I'm not looking to break the mold. I don't want to show off that I'm such awesome story teller or have deep lore. I just want to DM a fun adventure for people to enjoy. Expect everything from monsters to criminals to drugs lord aliens if it will make the game more fun. There will be a risk of dying/injury. I'll be the DM. My sole purpose is to mediate and help you guys enjoy the experience. If you have any questions, ask away. There are no bad inquiries.