Tan had escaped the confines of his office for now, sneaking off to the one of the empty docking platforms having it closed for maintenance. The young sentinel hummed to himself as he began to practice forms, he had little time to properly review his knowledge of saber combat in months, not to mention it was how he relaxed and found peace through remembering his masters lessons and what he learned on his path to becoming a skilled duelist. He started simple, a review of Shii'cho, next moving Niman and then Juyo, his least used form wanting to keep it fresh and under control in his mind. The Jedi kept at until he remembered the meeting, so with grace of a dancer he put away his sabers and tugged his robes back on before he trundled back down through the halls to fetch his data pad for the meeting. He wondered if they were finally to discuss his endless pestering for a Padawan today, if he could hold a seat on this council he also had the right to train a Padawan.