[h1][color=red]Lusius Mathand[/color][/h1] [@13org][@Bright_Ops] Lusius was starting to get mad again now that the topic had shifted back to Phoebe and Draco's words only seemed to fuel that. After all it was he that Phoebe spited not Draco and not even Shai even though she was her original target. No, he wanted his payback and he wanted to make sure she got it... [color=red]"I don't care if she knows I'm coming. I will have justice and will have my suffering avenged!"[/color] He said to Draco directly before quickly continuing to say, [color=red]"You know what I can do to her and she won't be able to stop me!"[/color] During the last bit he rolled up his sleeve to reveal his silver bracer, his bond of penance and also his last safeguard against the Burning Man. Shai was quick to speak of clothes though and that at least got Lusius to roll back down his sleeve. It was strange to feel so much so quick and while he was trying to process everything the seed of hate that Phoebe had made with him was festering and thanks to the Burning Man's cultivation was growing fast. Still Shai's innocence and of course her kind and soft voice did wonders to sooth the rage inside him for some reason. And that made the Burning Man furious! More furious than he already and always was. [color=red]"Yes... I should have some clothes that you can wear. At least until we find you something more fitting to you. They should be upstairs, in the dresser just to your right as you reach the top."[/color] His words helpful and slowly growing less angry, but hinting that he was ok with her leaving them to get dressed without them there to peep. That was when he heard Shai voice her opinion on the matter, wanting to just let bygones be that... But how could he do that when she lost only a set of old robes? Lusius lost half his house and several items of memory. The later could NEVER be replaced. Still she was trying to help him and calm teh fires that Lusius was clearly trying to start. Regardless in a moment he let his mind loose, [color=red]"That's not how this works... We're Hunters and we don't let go. We deal in vengeance against those who have been slighted and must be brought to justice. She will pay for what she's done."[/color] Lusius said looking right into her eyes so she knew just how serious he was and at the end she could very easily see something glint in his eyes. They flashed red and became one solid shape, melding into something that wasn't human. Whatever just happened, it helped to tell Shai that Lusius wasn't a normal man. Still he was quick to calm and understand that she was trying to help him. He was angry at Phoebe and wanted revenge on her, not Shai. So his voice calmed quickly and he nodded to her, [color=red]"Draco. I wont' let this slide, but maybe you are right. I need to stay here and help repair my home and Shai will need some help recovering as well as staying safe should that bitch come back."[/color] With that Lusius turned away from Draco to once again address Shai saying, [color=red]"We'll just... Let's get you some clothes first. Then we can worry about the house. Besides it's getting late and we should try to get some sleep at some point."[/color]