Name: Jon Bethlehem Age: 31 Physical Description: standing at 5'10" with hazel eyes, sandy brown hair, with a look of stoic confidence Important items: Silenced pistol, an aging flip-phone, a cracked locket with faded photo of a woman and small girl seated on her lap, A pair of aviator shades Short Bio: Not everyone on the run from the government is a youngster, before awakening he was a happy man with a life and loving family. All this changed however when he began seeing images of angels, and before long the ones who once loved him now revile and fear him due to their inability to comprehend what he had become. Rather than let his loved ones remain afraid he elected to have all memories of himself removed from their minds. Every now and then he gazes longingly at the photos within his locket hoping that all of this magic business was just a dream. Running hasn't been easy on him, and has taken its toll mentally leaving him with constant paranoia of being followed. Skills -Marksmanship: Before ever going on the run he was an avid pistol shooter, and would spend his weekends at the range honing his skills -Light footed: Being on the run for so long he's learned to keep a low profile and can move practically noiselessly and has no trouble dissolving into a crowd. Flaws -Paranoid: Is constantly looking over his shoulder for a perceived threats, and is quick to perceive false slights -Cowardly: avoids fighting where possible favoring manipulation or stealth instead Spell List -Mirror Image (mind magic)- creates an illusory clone of himself that acts completely normal, and is difficult for most mages to detect -Delusions (mind magic)- creates deeply personal and disturbing images within the mind of its target leading to a feeling of abject terror, inhibiting spell casting abilities -Memory manipulation (mind magic)- excels at creating or deleting memories of his target and replacing them with something that helps him escape detection -Paralysis bolt (mind magic)- a slow moving bolt when contacted causes the target to immediately freeze in place unable to move, automatic functions like breathing continue working spells that would require spoken or somatic components don't function. Resistance is based on the extent/power of the spell, one merely causing lethargy/ slight impairment of movement being harder to resist than total paralysis which is fairly easy to resist by itself -Mind sear (mind magic)- A bolt of pure pain that causes psychic damage to those it hits, psychic damage can be lethal, (can cause comas) but it fades over time leaving no lasting impact aside from noticeable twitchyness. -Illusions (mind magic)- can create convincing illusions affecting all of the senses, though as the more senses affected increase the overall level of detail decreases, thus a less convincing illusion is made