[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Post Battle of Vasel[/h2][/center] [center][@Raven_Operative][@Bright_Ops][/center] James, after it all was said and done, sat in the kitchen of the house the squad had claimed for the night, and had just finished patching up his shrapnel wounds from that last shell when he was saving the tank crew when Lily came in. When she asked if he was alright, he was glad he'd already patched up his wounds. "I'm fine, Lily. And I've always got a moment for my squad. What's up?" He could see that her nerves were shot from the battle, nevermind that something had been wrong before it, but he didn't feel he needed to press just yet. While waiting for a response, he heard a voice call for the Squad's NCO and he stood, making his way to the kitchen doorway. "That would be me for the time being, Private. Name and role?"