[@Lady Selune] Just remember that the last laugh is on you~ *whistles* >Hydra Team >German >Team Did you mean: Mannschaft? I mean technically you can use team, but...it sounds so clunky. Grupp is at least spelled differently. Or there's Riege...my friend says use Hydragruppen because compound words. I think i agree. [@MegaOscarPwn] I just realized that you can fuel the heretics, or you can fuel the burning of the heretics, and your phrasing is unclear. *crafty smile* [@MegaOscarPwn] General rule of thumb is if you posted today, wait for everyone. If you posted yesterday and there's a bunch of posts since yours, it's fair game, or if everyone else has gone (or everyone else in your area). In general, most rps, especially this size, do not move quite that fast, and you should post something like every few days, so long as somewhere between half and all other players have gone since your last. It does vary by DM, and I would ask. Some want a strict posting order, some are far more flexible. In general, give people a chance to reply before going again. <3