Noticing Ghent stirring his milkshake, Elayra used her straw to do the same, only slower, watching the thick, granular substance sticking to the plastic tube sluggishly side off. Her lips pursed slightly, and she looked to Ghent at his warning. “It’ll do [i]what[/i]?” Drust cocked his head when Ghent paused, Elayra taking in their new companion’s expression before he finally looked away from his milk shake. Drust’s face impossibly hardened at the first question, and his neck twitched slightly; that was a possibility he had toyed with as well. Ghent’s further questions only served as yet another reminder that he knew as much about Wonderland and its ways as they did about Earth and its customs. “Elements play a large part in magic, yes” he began with the basics as Elayra traded the cup for the burger and sniffed at it, this lesson one she had long since learned. “For those it favors, it’s not limited to just elemental powers. If you command it with a firm mind and will, it’ll do [i]only[/i] what you tell it to. No more. No less.” “Well, it [i]used[/i] to,” Elayra interjected, earning her a glare from Drust that went unnoticed as she picked off part of her burger’s bun. “Nowadays, you’d better either be on the Sorceress’ side, or come from the Spiritayum.” Drust’s glare darkened at the mention of the Sorceress, and Elayra quickly busied her mouth with biting into the burger that lacked any ham. She played with it in her mouth, trying to think of something to possibly compare it to from her world, while debating whether she found the taste and slight greasy texture delicious or disgusting. “Alas,” Drust frowned, continuing as if Elayra had not interrupted, “magic isn’t my forte, but I know enough to aid you for now. Hopefully, that will be enough. Those like you and your father have had a powerful connection to magic since the dawn of our world.” His gaze grew distant for a short moment, and the smallest hint of wistfulness dusted his voice as he continued. “Madrail once told me he relies on instinct as much as knowledge. That magic is equal parts servant, friend, and master, yet can just as easily be your enemy.” His eerie gaze refocused on Ghent. “That is your birthright, Ghent. Unlike for the rest of us, magic is just as much a part of you, as you are of it. Find it, nurture it, and it’ll be yours to command. The stronger your connection to it grows, the greater amount of magic you can control.” Elayra glanced to Drust, noticing he had failed to directly answer Ghent’s first question. “Does magic work differently here?” she asked. After all, the creation of something such as the milkshake, with its icy yet smooth texture, had to have some sort of magic involved to make.